Dah lama saya x update blog saya ni..adalah dlm berbulan2 lebih..hehe..erm tetibe rs terpanggil nak update blog ni sbb nk cite psl world cup yg br abis ni..hehe..
Saya sgt1000000000000x berbangge dgn kejayaan pasukan pilihan sy iaitu SPAIN sbb menang world cup utk this 2010 edition.VIVA ESPANA!haha..happy sgt2..they never lift the this world cup trophy so dats why saya dan supporters yg lain sgt gumbira..haha..
If korg nak tau,70% pemain spain ni adalah player from Barca..ops..Barca is a short form for Barcelona ye,kepada sape2 yg xtau tu..hehe..starting from Puyol,Pique,Xavi,Iniesta,Busquets,Villa,Pedro etc sumenye from Barca..selebihnye adela from real madrid,valencia & x ketinggalan my fav fernando torres but he's from liverpool..dorg main 'total football' which is good actually..spain gak ade ramai player yg hot & fab tau..tu pon slh 1 sbb gak nape sy sokong spain..haha..but i dont care about looks..football is about team work and showing your skills..xkisah la muke ko mcm mn pon.haha..
Selain Spain,saya sokong Oranje juge..x sngke plak dua2 team spt masuk final but my priority is spain..dat final nite,sy kurg gemar la cara oranje main because dorg main kasar tau..BUT Howard Webb (the referee) pon cm sengal je jd ref..sket2 kad kuning..
Spain is one of favourites sebanarnye tp 1st match dorg kalah lawan swiss & start dari ctu,org kritik2 spain..sy pon sm gak sbb formation 4-5-1 bukan la formation yg bgs..huhu.lepas pada tu,dorg keep on winning n tunjukkan style men yg sgt kreatif..haha..last2 jadi champion..happynye x terkire!!!haha..
Okla,tomorrow sy nak story pasal cite lain plak..till then..
excuse me.FABREGAS mn????asl ko tak msukkan?*baca ini dgn kegarangan*hahaha
dem!aku terlupe!haha..padahal dia antare yg aku ske..kui3..xdela..aku x mention nm dia bcoz aku duk fokus kt sume player barca..huhu
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